My entire research output is open access, through publication in an open access journal or via an author accepted manuscript made publicly available here. The arXiv contains some but not all of my papers, and these sometimes differ from the final published manuscript, so it's better to consult the versions indicated below.
Generalized learnability of stochastic principles
Morenikeji Neri, Nicholas Pischke and Thomas Powell
(pdf) Preprint, 2025.
On the algorithmic structure of Dialectica programs
Davide Barbarossa and Thomas Powell
(arXiv) Preprint, 2025.
Asymptotic regularity of a generalised stochastic Halpern scheme with applications
Nicholas Pischke and Thomas Powell
(arXiv) Preprint, 2024.
A quantitative Robbins-Siegmund theorem
Morenikeji Neri and Thomas Powell
(arXiv) Preprint, 2024.
On quantitative convergence for stochastic processes: Crossings, fluctuations and martingales
Morenikeji Neri and Thomas Powell
(arXiv) Preprint, 2024.
Proof mining and informal proof theoretic reasoning: A case study on greedy approximation schemes
Thomas Powell
(pdf) Preprint, 2024.
peer reviewed
Proofs as stateful programs: A first-order logic with abstract Hoare triples, and an interpretation into an imperative language
Thomas Powell
(doi, arXiv) Logical Methods in Computer Science, 20(1): 7:1–7:32, 2024.
A computational study of a class of recursive inequalities
Morenikeji Neri and Thomas Powell
(doi, arXiv) Journal of Logic and Analysis, 15(3): 1–48, 2023.
A finitization of Littlewood's Tauberian theorem and an application in Tauberian remainder theory
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf) Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 174(4): 103231, 2023.
A universal algorithm for Krull's theorem
Thomas Powell, Peter Schuster and Franziskus Wiesnet
(doi, pdf) Information and Computation, 287: 104761, 2022.
Rates of convergence for asymptotically weakly contractive mappings in normed spaces
Thomas Powell and Franziskus Wiesnet
(doi, pdf) Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 42(15): 1802–1838, 2021.
A note on the finitization of Abelian and Tauberian theorems
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf) Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 66(3): 300–310, 2020.
A unifying framework for continuity and complexity in higher types
Thomas Powell
(doi, arXiv) Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16(3): 17:1–17:28, 2020.
On the computational content of Zorn's lemma
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf) Proceedings of LICS '20, pp. 768–781, ACM, 2020.
Rates of convergence for iterative solutions of equations involving set-valued accretive operators
Ulrich Kohlenbach and Thomas Powell
(doi, arXiv)
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 80(3): 490–503, 2020
Dependent choice as a termination principle
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf)
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 59(3–4): 503–516, 2020
Well quasi-orders and the functional interpretation
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf)
Chapter in Well Quasi-Orders in Computation, Logic, Language and Reasoning, Trends in Logic 53: 221–269, Springer, 2020
A proof theoretic study of abstract termination principles
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf)
Journal of Logic and Computation, 29(8): 1345–1366, 2019
Computational interpretations of classical reasoning: From the epsilon calculus to stateful programs
Thomas Powell
(doi, pdf)
Chapter in Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof, Synthese Library 412: 255–290, Springer, 2019
A new metastable convergence criterion and an application in the theory of uniformly convex Banach spaces
Thomas Powell
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 478(2): 790–805, 2019
Parametrised bar recursion: A unifying framework for realizability interpretations of classical dependent choice
Thomas Powell
Journal of Logic and Computation, 29(4): 519–554, 2019
An algorithmic approach to the existence of ideal objects in commutative algebra
Thomas Powell, Peter Schuster and Franziskus Wiesnet
(doi, pdf)
Proceedings of WoLLIC '19, LNCS 11541: 533–549, 2019
A functional interpretation with state
Thomas Powell
Proceedings of LICS '18, pp. 839–848, ACM, 2018
Bar recursion over finite partial functions
Paulo Oliva and Thomas Powell
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 168(5): 887–921, 2017
Gödel's functional interpretation and the concept of learning
Thomas Powell
Proceedings of LICS '16, pp. 136–145, ACM, 2016
- On the computational content of termination proofs
Georg Moser and Thomas Powell
Proceedings of CiE '15, LNCS 9136: 276–285, 2015
- A game-theoretic computational interpretation of proofs in classical analysis
Paulo Oliva and Thomas Powell
Chapter in Gentzen's Centenary: The Quest for Consistency, pp. 501–531, Springer, 2015
- A constructive interpretation of Ramsey's theorem via the product of selection functions
Paulo Oliva and Thomas Powell
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 25(8): 1755–1778, 2015
The equivalence of bar recursion and open recursion
Thomas Powell
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 165(11): 1727–1754, 2014
Applying Gödel's Dialectica interpretation to obtain a constructive proof of Higman's Lemma
Thomas Powell
Proceedings of CL&C '12, EPTCS 97: 49–62, 2012
On Spector's bar recursion
Paulo Oliva and Thomas Powell
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 58(4–5): 356–365, 2012
System T and the product of selection functions
Martín Escardó, Paulo Oliva and Thomas Powell
Proceedings of CSL '11, LIPIcs 12: 233–247, 2011
Sequential algorithms and the computational content of classical proofs
(arXiv) A long, complicated and somewhat strange paper from 2018 on algorithms and extracted programs that initially struggled to find a referee. One day I plan to rewrite it and try to publish it again.
A note on proof interpretations and Dialectica categories
(pdf) An unpublished draft written around 2010 during the first year of my PhD. It is very out of date now, but might still be of interest to anyone working with Dialectica categories.
phd thesis